From the History of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania we find the following information about Wildwood Cemetery:
Wildwood Cemetery, for rural beauty and eligibility of location, is exceedingly attractive. It is situated on high rolling ground northwest of the city, overlooking the valley and river, and affording a view that is most charming to the eye. The Cemetery Association was incorporated August 18, 1863, and sixty acres purchased, which were subsequently increased to about eighty. The charter is perpetual. The well remembered civil engineer, John M. McMinn, was employed to lay out the grounds. Robert Faries, also an engineer of high standing, assisted him. With a thorough knowledge of landscape engineering, Mr. McMinn also united an intelligence for his work and an exquisite taste which enabled him to arrange the, walks and drives to the best advantage. The result, was the production of a cemetery that calls forth the admiration of all who pass through its grounds. The numerous lot holders have taken great pains to beautify and adorn their plots. Stately monuments and other appropriate memorials are found on every band native trees spread their branches over the graves; evergreens serve as rich settings to marble and granite; flowers bloom in luxuriance and load the air with the fragrance of their perfume. The officers are as follows: Dr. W. F. Logan, president; John F. Laedlein, secretary and treasury; Daniel Curns, superintendent.