Abraham Pierce Waltz 
M, (21 April 1877 - June 1966)
- Relationships
- 9th great-grandson of Hans Kiess
2nd great-grandson of Jacob Schiedt
5th great-grandson of Hans Peter Walz
Abraham Pierce Waltz was born on 21 April 1877.1 He was the son of George Wilhelm Waltz and Mary Ann Sheets. Abraham Pierce Waltz married, at age 34, Anna L. Langhorne, age 25 on Wednesday, 28 June 1911 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.2 Abraham Pierce Waltz died in June 1966 at age 89 years and 1 month.
He was Baptist Preacher. As of 1910, Abraham Pierce Waltz was known as Reverend professionally. Letter from:
Rev. A. Pierce Waltz
3209 Tauromee
Kansas City 2, Kansas [printed stationery]
4535 Mary Ellen Avenue
Sherman Oaks, Calif. [typed return address]
February 16, 1959
Rev. H. Eldon Waltz
259 Madison Avenue
Madison, West Va.
Dear Brother:
I just received your welcome letter of the 11th and was glad to hear from you. I noticed that you are doing a marvelous work down there in West Virginia. Your work reminds me very much of my ministry. On my first field I drew the plans and supervised the building of a parsonage. My first field was with two churches in a new field in South Dakota, organized only three years in a territory opened to white settlers eight years. My next field was in western S. D. where I drew the plans for a church building and supervised the work. In my next field I drew the plans for a new church building; picture enclosed. This was a building that was recognized as the finest all through building in the country, using cut glacial deposit rock picked up in the same county. We gathered them and dressed them for laying in wall. They were of various colors of gray and different shades of pink. In my third field we planned for a new building but because of the depression we had to drop it for the time but then I went to another field in Nebraska to finish a building. The church got stuck financially and the pastor left.
Building was a natural for me as I had three uncles who were building contractors in Williamsport, and a brother a carpenter. However this was not all for in every field enlarged the membership in a very satisfactory way. I am retired now after 49 years in the ministry under paid service. Since then I have been in some very active work in my home church.
Well now about our genealogy! I am not sure that you are as much interested in this as I am, but it is interesting anyway to know something about our ancestry. I see that we, you and I, are not related very closely, but we do have some relationship. I am quite sure that your mother's grandfather was a brother to my grandfather. On page one of my copy I sent to you; first there is John Waltz who with his son Michael came from Germany in 1806. John George, son of John Sr. came from Germany in 1804. It is interesting to recognize that it took them, George and his group, from June 6th to September 18th to get here on their sailing. It's interesting to compare that with present air travel.
On page one I gave Michael's family but did not follow it any further. I personally knew some of their descendents but not very well.
Following John George's family you will find on page 4, I am quite sure that at the top of the page 4 the name John Waltz married to Mary Sheets who I am sure were your mother's grandparents. William Waltz married to Mary Hurr was my grandparents (my Grandfather). Now then my Aunt Barbara, daughter of my grandfather married Samuel Ulmer, bottom of page 6. Now go to page 16 you will find that Elizabeth Ulmer was married to Jacob C. Waltz, who you say in your letter was your father's brother. Further on page 18 you find Bertha Ulmer who married Henry Waltz. Bertha is a sister to Elizabeth. See page 8. These went to Nebrask and then because of her health they moved to the Ozarks in Missouri, but she did not live very long. I visited them in Mo. Then Edward their brother on page 8 was a pastor in Nebraska but they moved away before I got to see them. I had a letter from him after landing in South Dakota. Emma Ulmer, page 8 married Orville Sollenberger; page 18. They also moved to Nebraska and I visited them several times while I was working for Central Seminary. She passed away about 1-1/2 years ago. I do not know any Dr. Ulmer.
You mentioned in your letter the name of Conrad Waltz. Note that on page 2 you will find a Conrad Waltz, son of Michael Waltz who came from Germany with his father in 1806. But of course as I mentioned above I did not follow the records of that family.
I was interested to note that your mother's grandmother's name was Mary Sheets. My mother's name was Mary Sheets also. My mother had a brother George Sheets who was a minister. You may note that on page 2 there is a John Waltz married to Mary Sheets. William a brother of John was my grandfather. Maybe I mentioned that above. I am acquainted with the Anthony church and preached there once. My mother's people lived in that area.
I have been out west during all my ministry after I was ordained in 1910. The last ten years except two of my ministry I worked for the Central Seminary in Kansas City, Kansas in the department raising money for their expenses.
You will note that I am out here in California. I am here visiting my daughter who lives near Los Angeles. I expect to leave in about a week and go visit my brother in Florida for a few weeks. He and I are the only ones left in our family. I have a son who is a ministser in Kansas City, Missouri who is doing a fine work and expects next may to receive his D.Th from Central Seminary.
I am sure glad to have your letter and hope that you might be able to meet him sometime. When you come to the annual American [Baptist] Convention in Des Moines, Iowa, I would be glad to have you come and visit us on your way. I am not sure that I will get to attend that meeting, although it is not so very far from our place.
Very cordially,
A. Pierce Waltz [signed].
He was Baptist Preacher. As of 1910, Abraham Pierce Waltz was known as Reverend professionally. Letter from:
Rev. A. Pierce Waltz
3209 Tauromee
Kansas City 2, Kansas [printed stationery]
4535 Mary Ellen Avenue
Sherman Oaks, Calif. [typed return address]
February 16, 1959
Rev. H. Eldon Waltz
259 Madison Avenue
Madison, West Va.
Dear Brother:
I just received your welcome letter of the 11th and was glad to hear from you. I noticed that you are doing a marvelous work down there in West Virginia. Your work reminds me very much of my ministry. On my first field I drew the plans and supervised the building of a parsonage. My first field was with two churches in a new field in South Dakota, organized only three years in a territory opened to white settlers eight years. My next field was in western S. D. where I drew the plans for a church building and supervised the work. In my next field I drew the plans for a new church building; picture enclosed. This was a building that was recognized as the finest all through building in the country, using cut glacial deposit rock picked up in the same county. We gathered them and dressed them for laying in wall. They were of various colors of gray and different shades of pink. In my third field we planned for a new building but because of the depression we had to drop it for the time but then I went to another field in Nebraska to finish a building. The church got stuck financially and the pastor left.
Building was a natural for me as I had three uncles who were building contractors in Williamsport, and a brother a carpenter. However this was not all for in every field enlarged the membership in a very satisfactory way. I am retired now after 49 years in the ministry under paid service. Since then I have been in some very active work in my home church.
Well now about our genealogy! I am not sure that you are as much interested in this as I am, but it is interesting anyway to know something about our ancestry. I see that we, you and I, are not related very closely, but we do have some relationship. I am quite sure that your mother's grandfather was a brother to my grandfather. On page one of my copy I sent to you; first there is John Waltz who with his son Michael came from Germany in 1806. John George, son of John Sr. came from Germany in 1804. It is interesting to recognize that it took them, George and his group, from June 6th to September 18th to get here on their sailing. It's interesting to compare that with present air travel.
On page one I gave Michael's family but did not follow it any further. I personally knew some of their descendents but not very well.
Following John George's family you will find on page 4, I am quite sure that at the top of the page 4 the name John Waltz married to Mary Sheets who I am sure were your mother's grandparents. William Waltz married to Mary Hurr was my grandparents (my Grandfather). Now then my Aunt Barbara, daughter of my grandfather married Samuel Ulmer, bottom of page 6. Now go to page 16 you will find that Elizabeth Ulmer was married to Jacob C. Waltz, who you say in your letter was your father's brother. Further on page 18 you find Bertha Ulmer who married Henry Waltz. Bertha is a sister to Elizabeth. See page 8. These went to Nebrask and then because of her health they moved to the Ozarks in Missouri, but she did not live very long. I visited them in Mo. Then Edward their brother on page 8 was a pastor in Nebraska but they moved away before I got to see them. I had a letter from him after landing in South Dakota. Emma Ulmer, page 8 married Orville Sollenberger; page 18. They also moved to Nebraska and I visited them several times while I was working for Central Seminary. She passed away about 1-1/2 years ago. I do not know any Dr. Ulmer.
You mentioned in your letter the name of Conrad Waltz. Note that on page 2 you will find a Conrad Waltz, son of Michael Waltz who came from Germany with his father in 1806. But of course as I mentioned above I did not follow the records of that family.
I was interested to note that your mother's grandmother's name was Mary Sheets. My mother's name was Mary Sheets also. My mother had a brother George Sheets who was a minister. You may note that on page 2 there is a John Waltz married to Mary Sheets. William a brother of John was my grandfather. Maybe I mentioned that above. I am acquainted with the Anthony church and preached there once. My mother's people lived in that area.
I have been out west during all my ministry after I was ordained in 1910. The last ten years except two of my ministry I worked for the Central Seminary in Kansas City, Kansas in the department raising money for their expenses.
You will note that I am out here in California. I am here visiting my daughter who lives near Los Angeles. I expect to leave in about a week and go visit my brother in Florida for a few weeks. He and I are the only ones left in our family. I have a son who is a ministser in Kansas City, Missouri who is doing a fine work and expects next may to receive his D.Th from Central Seminary.
I am sure glad to have your letter and hope that you might be able to meet him sometime. When you come to the annual American [Baptist] Convention in Des Moines, Iowa, I would be glad to have you come and visit us on your way. I am not sure that I will get to attend that meeting, although it is not so very far from our place.
Very cordially,
A. Pierce Waltz [signed].
Children of Abraham Pierce Waltz and Anna L. Langhorne
- Dorothy Hope Waltz (30 Sep 1913 - )
- Allen Pierce Waltz (28 Dec 1917 - )
- Mary Lenore Waltz (10 Nov 1922 - )
- Richard Langhorne Waltz (13 May 1926 - )
Last Edited=15 Sep 2005