Christopher Schiedt 
M, (15 September 1820 - 4 July 1895)
- Relationship
- Grandson of Jacob Schiedt
Christopher Schiedt was born on 15 September 1820. He was the son of Abraham Schiedt and Anna Maria Bertsch. Christopher Schiedt married Elisabeth Maier circa 1844.1 Christopher Schiedt died on 4 July 1895 at age 74 years, 9 months and 19 days. He was buried in the Anthony Baptist Church Cemetery, located in Anthony Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.
He This family is listed as 'Family O.2.' on the Blooming Grove, Stammbaum Wäldchen (Family Tree Little Woods) that was originally printed about 1860 - 1862. The one used for this record is currently in the possession of Frederick and Zella Stabler. The Blooming Grove Historical Socitey also has one on display at their musuem. The beginning reads, 'With approximately 20 family trees of families who largely live in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania and who still have living parents at the turn of the century, mostly from Mühringen and Eßlingen in Würtemberg, and who have moved here.'.'.'.' He left a will. It stated:
Last Will and Testament of Christopher Sheets
In the Name of God, Amen. I, Christopher Sheets, of Lycoming Township, Lycoming County, State of Pennsylvania (Farmer), being of sound mind and memory do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in the following manner. I order that first all my just debts expenses and charges of proving this my last Will being freely paid.
First, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth, all my household furniture and provisions of which I shall dispose. I also give and bequeath to her the one-third of all the produce raised on my farm. In regard to the produce of hay, she shall have the privilege of keeping two cows which shall be fed and pastured with the other stock, and from the hay which is sold, she shall receive one-third of the proceeds and be liable to pay one-third of the taxes on the farm. She shall have the privilege of keeping two pigs, and to occupy the western part of my dwelling house so long as she remains my widow.
Secondly, I order and it is my will and desire that my son, Abraham Sheets, shall have full possession of my said farm being and lying in Lycoming Township of Lycoming County, Sate of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by land owned by Jesse Quigel, J. D. Klein and J. Stiber, on the east by the land of L. R. Robinson, on the south of David Sheets farm, and west by the land of Jesse Horn, containing eighty-three acres more or less.
Right after my decease, for the said farm, my son, Abraham Sheets, shall pay (and fully comply with the above said conditions willed and bequested) to my said and beloved wife, Elizabeth, the sum of two thousand dollars. Any just debts or notes of which I may not have provided for at my decease shall be settled out of this sum. The remainder shall be paid two years after the death of my beloved wife, (or if she should die before me, then payment shall be made three years after my death) in the following manner: one hundred dollars to be paid to my daughter, Ellgina Sheets, for faithful services rendered to her aged parents. After that, one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid annually to my seven children, namely, Mary A. Waltz, Sarah Schwartz, formerly Sheets, Abraham Sheets, John Sheets, Katie Bower, formerly Sheets, Ellgina Sheets, and George Sheets in equal shares, share and share alike. All principal shall be without interest.
My will is also that my son, Abraham Sheets, shall have all necessary coal, as well as stove and kindling wood, ready for use for my said wife, Elizabeth, and under no condition to sell the said farm so long as my wife, Elizabeth, shall live or remain a widow. Should he sell the farm before full payment has been made to my heirs willed to them, then shall he pay them in full in cash as soon as the farm is sold.
Further, I do nominate, appoint and instruct John Heinlein of Lycoming Township and David Ulmer of Anthony Township, Lycoming County, PA, as my Executors to this my last Will and Testament, with full powers to sell all my personal property of which I may dispose of, and pay and collect all my above said debts as I would do myself, if living. In witness whereof I, Christopher Sheets, the Testator, have to this my last Will, written on a sheet of paper, set my hand and seal this twelfth day of June A.D. eighteen hundred and ninety-five.
Signed, sealed and declared by the said Testator, Christopher Sheets, as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, and at his request we have subscribed our names thereto as witnesses: C. Poehlmann and David Sheets.
Before me, M. J. Howell, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration in and for Lycoming County, personally appeared C. Pohlmann and David Sheets, subscribing witnesses to the above and foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Christopher Sheets, late of the Township of Lycoming in said County, deceased, who being by me duly sworn according to law did depose and say that they were present and did see the Testator, Christopher Sheets, now deceased, sign, seal and heard him publish, pronounce and declare the above and foregoing instrument of writing as and for his last Will and Testament. And at the time of the doing thereof, the said Christopher Sheets was of sound mind, memory and understanding, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me this 19th day of July A.D. 1895. J. J. Howell, Register of Wills.
I, M. J. Howell, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration in and for Lycoming County, have this day proved according to law and admitted to probate the above and foregoing instrument of writing as and for the last Will and Testament of Christopher Sheets, late of the Township of Lycoming, now deceased. And do hereby approve and enter of record in my said office the aforesaid instrument of writing as and for the last Will and Testament of the said Christopher Sheets, deceased, witness my hand and official seal this 19th day of July A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Filed and registered July 1895 and letters testamentary issued to Executors within named, they having first been duly sworn. M. J. Howell, Register of Wills. Christopher's surname has also been spelled as Sheets.
He This family is listed as 'Family O.2.' on the Blooming Grove, Stammbaum Wäldchen (Family Tree Little Woods) that was originally printed about 1860 - 1862. The one used for this record is currently in the possession of Frederick and Zella Stabler. The Blooming Grove Historical Socitey also has one on display at their musuem. The beginning reads, 'With approximately 20 family trees of families who largely live in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania and who still have living parents at the turn of the century, mostly from Mühringen and Eßlingen in Würtemberg, and who have moved here.'.'.'.' He left a will. It stated:
Last Will and Testament of Christopher Sheets
In the Name of God, Amen. I, Christopher Sheets, of Lycoming Township, Lycoming County, State of Pennsylvania (Farmer), being of sound mind and memory do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in the following manner. I order that first all my just debts expenses and charges of proving this my last Will being freely paid.
First, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth, all my household furniture and provisions of which I shall dispose. I also give and bequeath to her the one-third of all the produce raised on my farm. In regard to the produce of hay, she shall have the privilege of keeping two cows which shall be fed and pastured with the other stock, and from the hay which is sold, she shall receive one-third of the proceeds and be liable to pay one-third of the taxes on the farm. She shall have the privilege of keeping two pigs, and to occupy the western part of my dwelling house so long as she remains my widow.
Secondly, I order and it is my will and desire that my son, Abraham Sheets, shall have full possession of my said farm being and lying in Lycoming Township of Lycoming County, Sate of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by land owned by Jesse Quigel, J. D. Klein and J. Stiber, on the east by the land of L. R. Robinson, on the south of David Sheets farm, and west by the land of Jesse Horn, containing eighty-three acres more or less.
Right after my decease, for the said farm, my son, Abraham Sheets, shall pay (and fully comply with the above said conditions willed and bequested) to my said and beloved wife, Elizabeth, the sum of two thousand dollars. Any just debts or notes of which I may not have provided for at my decease shall be settled out of this sum. The remainder shall be paid two years after the death of my beloved wife, (or if she should die before me, then payment shall be made three years after my death) in the following manner: one hundred dollars to be paid to my daughter, Ellgina Sheets, for faithful services rendered to her aged parents. After that, one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid annually to my seven children, namely, Mary A. Waltz, Sarah Schwartz, formerly Sheets, Abraham Sheets, John Sheets, Katie Bower, formerly Sheets, Ellgina Sheets, and George Sheets in equal shares, share and share alike. All principal shall be without interest.
My will is also that my son, Abraham Sheets, shall have all necessary coal, as well as stove and kindling wood, ready for use for my said wife, Elizabeth, and under no condition to sell the said farm so long as my wife, Elizabeth, shall live or remain a widow. Should he sell the farm before full payment has been made to my heirs willed to them, then shall he pay them in full in cash as soon as the farm is sold.
Further, I do nominate, appoint and instruct John Heinlein of Lycoming Township and David Ulmer of Anthony Township, Lycoming County, PA, as my Executors to this my last Will and Testament, with full powers to sell all my personal property of which I may dispose of, and pay and collect all my above said debts as I would do myself, if living. In witness whereof I, Christopher Sheets, the Testator, have to this my last Will, written on a sheet of paper, set my hand and seal this twelfth day of June A.D. eighteen hundred and ninety-five.
Signed, sealed and declared by the said Testator, Christopher Sheets, as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, and at his request we have subscribed our names thereto as witnesses: C. Poehlmann and David Sheets.
Before me, M. J. Howell, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration in and for Lycoming County, personally appeared C. Pohlmann and David Sheets, subscribing witnesses to the above and foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Christopher Sheets, late of the Township of Lycoming in said County, deceased, who being by me duly sworn according to law did depose and say that they were present and did see the Testator, Christopher Sheets, now deceased, sign, seal and heard him publish, pronounce and declare the above and foregoing instrument of writing as and for his last Will and Testament. And at the time of the doing thereof, the said Christopher Sheets was of sound mind, memory and understanding, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me this 19th day of July A.D. 1895. J. J. Howell, Register of Wills.
I, M. J. Howell, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration in and for Lycoming County, have this day proved according to law and admitted to probate the above and foregoing instrument of writing as and for the last Will and Testament of Christopher Sheets, late of the Township of Lycoming, now deceased. And do hereby approve and enter of record in my said office the aforesaid instrument of writing as and for the last Will and Testament of the said Christopher Sheets, deceased, witness my hand and official seal this 19th day of July A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Filed and registered July 1895 and letters testamentary issued to Executors within named, they having first been duly sworn. M. J. Howell, Register of Wills. Christopher's surname has also been spelled as Sheets.
Children of Christopher Schiedt and Elisabeth Maier
- Mary Ann Sheets+ (1 Dec 1845 - 13 Sep 1896)
- Sarah Schiedt (1847 - )
- Elisabeth Schiedt (30 Mar 1850 - 26 Apr 1871)
- Abraham John Sheets+ (Apr 1852 - 1936)
- John Abraham Sheets+ (Apr 1854 - bt 1920 - 1930)
- Lydia Schiedt (1856 - )
- Catharina Sheets+ (27 Jan 1858 - 10 Jan 1896)
- Heinrich Jacob Schiedt (1860 - )
- William Sheets (1862 - b 1895)
- Ellgina Sheets+ (28 Jan 1865 - 2 Nov 1948)
- George A. Sheets (Oct 1869 - )
Last Edited=22 Sep 2005
- [S544] Stammbaum Wäldchen of the settlers of Blooming Grove, original family tree, printed in German. Stammbaum Wäldchen means "Family Tree Little Woods," being several family trees within a single large registry. This document was recorded exactly as it was printed by Kevin L. Sholder in 1997, and then all but the names were translated into the English language by Mrs. Steiner of the Centerville High School German Department, Centerville, Ohio in 1998.
The document states at the beginning: "With approximately 20 family trees of families who largely live in Lycoming Co., Pa. and who still have living parents at the turn of the century, mostly from Mühringen and Eßlingen in Würtemberg, and who have moved here."
At the end is the following explanation or legend: "The letter and numbers of this family tree agree with each other. Branches and smaller branches always were counted from left to right. So one finds the members of their family according to their age. Wherever the family of both parents is given, the families are usually indicated twice, ex. a. 1., designates a family - father's side, while 1.2. indicates the mother's side. In the list of names the children and grandchildren of the father's side only are given, except when the sex of the father is not registered, then the mother's side is given. The letter s. stands for see the following letter a. or b. etc. indicates the family line from that s. person, and the number after that indicates the order then of the ages of the range of siblings, as one can see when one looks up the family tree according to the letters indicating the names and then the branch which is indicated with the designated number. The ever appearing K. = Kinder (children). The † behind a name indicates that the person has died, as well as an entire branch that has died out. The number following indicates the J jahr an unknown date M monat [month] W woche [week] or I Iag [day] of their age = indicated by capital letter. † indicates a person whose name was unknown."
At the very bottom of the document it states: "Upon request of friends, this has been set up and put into print." This document is 28 inches by 28 inches in size and contains 19 primary families, that make up approximately 500 individuals listed within. Based on known years of birth and death from other sources of persons within this tree, this document was printed circa 1860-1862.
The founding individuals and families arrived in Pennsylvania between 1804 and 1817. At the time that the Blooming Grove community produced this document many of the original settlers were still living resulting in the high quality of this source.
The document used for this record was handed down from Johann Michael Stäbler (family m. 2. in the document) to his son Abraham Stabler then to his son Pierce Albert Stabler it remained in the family home, 1453 Job's Run Road, Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania with his son Frederick U. Stabler, it was then passed to Fred's son Daniel Leroy in the year 2000 and then to his son Kurtlan Daniel Stabler, circa 2013, who built a new home in place of the original homestead still located at 1453 Job's Run Road, Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania where it remains a fixture within the home of Kurt and wife Lyndsay (Shader) Stabler. Kurtlan Daniel Stabler (Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, USA), Family O.2.. Hereinafter cited as Stammbaum Wäldchen.