Jacob Gooding 
M, (9 May 1698 - 23 December 1760)
Jacob Gooding was born on 9 May 1698. He was the son of Isaac Gooding. Jacob Gooding married Hester VanBibber, daughter of Isaac Jacobs VanBibber and Frances Schumacher. Jacob Gooding died on 23 December 1760 at age 62 years, 7 months and 14 days.
From 'New Castle County Delaware Land Records 1762 - 1765,' by Carol J. Garrett, (Westminister, MD: Willow Bend Books, 2000), pp. 105 - 106.
292. Deed. 24 Aug 1761. Isaac Gooding and Susan his wife, Andrew Cannon and Veronica his wife, Henry Vanbebber and Hester his wife, Jacob Gooding and Joseph Hart, all of the Co. of Newcastle upon Del., John Bayard and Margaret his wife, of the City of Philadelphia, James Ashton Bayard and Agnes his wife of Cecil Co. in Province of Maryland, for sum of 340 pounds, sold unto Daniel Britt of Red Lyon in Co. of Newcastle, a tenement and two lotts of ground, situate in the Town of St. Georges, in Co. of Newcastle. One lott begins on Main Street at the lott late of William Piper to a lott late of Jacob VanBebber sen, dec'd. The other lot begins on sd Street where the dwelling house stands. This is part of the estate of Jacob Vanbebber sen, merchant, dec'd., who in his lifetime was seized of sundry houses and lotts of land in same town. In his Last Will and Testament, he devised (to wit) one moiety of all his estate both real and personal unto his wife Mary, and the other moiety unto his son Jacob. Then whereas sd wife Mary then dyed leaving her Last Will wherein she devised sd estate to her two daughters (by a former husband, Joseph Ashton), Grace Ashton and Mary Ashton, and to her son, Jacob Vanbebber jun. Then sd son Jacob jun. Dyed Intestate and without issue, whereby Peter VanBebber of the Co. of Lunenburg in Colony of Virginia, surviving brother of Jacob Vanbebber sen., and also eldest Unkle of Jacob jun., became seized of that part of estate which belonged to Jacob jun. Then sd Peter sold tenement and two lotts of land together with other lands unto Jacob Gooding sen., late of sd Town, dec'd., by deed dated 16 Sep 1749. Then sd Gooding dyed Intestate leaving issue two sons and two daughters (to wit) Isaac and Jacob Gooding, and Veronica, wife of afsd Andrew Cannon, and Hester, who intermarried with afsd Henry Vanbebber. Then afsd Grace Ashton intermarried with Robert Hart of Salem Co. in Province of New Jersey, by whom had issue the afsd Joseph Hart and the afsd Mary who intermarried with James Byard of Cecil Co., who had issue the afsd John Byard and James Ashton Byard, by means where of the sd Goodings, Hart and Byard became joyntly seized of the Estate of Jacob Vanbebber sen. Signed: Isaac Gooding, Susannah Gooding, Andrew Cannon, Veronica Cannon, Henry VanBebber, Jacob Gooding, John Bayard, Margaret Byard, Joseph Hart, James Ashton Byard, Agnes Bayard. Wit: Jas. McDonough, Cornelius Carty, John Jones, Thomas Robinson, David Witherspoon, P. Bayard. Ack: Aug Term 1762. Rec: 26 Aug 1763 (U1-558).
From 'New Castle County Delaware Land Records 1762 - 1765,' by Carol J. Garrett, (Westminister, MD: Willow Bend Books, 2000), pp. 105 - 106.
292. Deed. 24 Aug 1761. Isaac Gooding and Susan his wife, Andrew Cannon and Veronica his wife, Henry Vanbebber and Hester his wife, Jacob Gooding and Joseph Hart, all of the Co. of Newcastle upon Del., John Bayard and Margaret his wife, of the City of Philadelphia, James Ashton Bayard and Agnes his wife of Cecil Co. in Province of Maryland, for sum of 340 pounds, sold unto Daniel Britt of Red Lyon in Co. of Newcastle, a tenement and two lotts of ground, situate in the Town of St. Georges, in Co. of Newcastle. One lott begins on Main Street at the lott late of William Piper to a lott late of Jacob VanBebber sen, dec'd. The other lot begins on sd Street where the dwelling house stands. This is part of the estate of Jacob Vanbebber sen, merchant, dec'd., who in his lifetime was seized of sundry houses and lotts of land in same town. In his Last Will and Testament, he devised (to wit) one moiety of all his estate both real and personal unto his wife Mary, and the other moiety unto his son Jacob. Then whereas sd wife Mary then dyed leaving her Last Will wherein she devised sd estate to her two daughters (by a former husband, Joseph Ashton), Grace Ashton and Mary Ashton, and to her son, Jacob Vanbebber jun. Then sd son Jacob jun. Dyed Intestate and without issue, whereby Peter VanBebber of the Co. of Lunenburg in Colony of Virginia, surviving brother of Jacob Vanbebber sen., and also eldest Unkle of Jacob jun., became seized of that part of estate which belonged to Jacob jun. Then sd Peter sold tenement and two lotts of land together with other lands unto Jacob Gooding sen., late of sd Town, dec'd., by deed dated 16 Sep 1749. Then sd Gooding dyed Intestate leaving issue two sons and two daughters (to wit) Isaac and Jacob Gooding, and Veronica, wife of afsd Andrew Cannon, and Hester, who intermarried with afsd Henry Vanbebber. Then afsd Grace Ashton intermarried with Robert Hart of Salem Co. in Province of New Jersey, by whom had issue the afsd Joseph Hart and the afsd Mary who intermarried with James Byard of Cecil Co., who had issue the afsd John Byard and James Ashton Byard, by means where of the sd Goodings, Hart and Byard became joyntly seized of the Estate of Jacob Vanbebber sen. Signed: Isaac Gooding, Susannah Gooding, Andrew Cannon, Veronica Cannon, Henry VanBebber, Jacob Gooding, John Bayard, Margaret Byard, Joseph Hart, James Ashton Byard, Agnes Bayard. Wit: Jas. McDonough, Cornelius Carty, John Jones, Thomas Robinson, David Witherspoon, P. Bayard. Ack: Aug Term 1762. Rec: 26 Aug 1763 (U1-558).
Children of Jacob Gooding and Hester VanBibber
- Isaac Gooding (21 Sep 1721 - )
- Jacob Gooding (c 1726 - )
- Veronica Gooding (c 1731 - )
- Hester Gooding+ (1737 - 16 Nov 1802)
Last Edited=29 Jan 2020