Henry Renfro 
M, (5 February 1835 - 1 March 1892)
- Relationship
- 7th great-grandson of Herman Op Den Graeff
Henry Renfro was born on 5 February 1835 at Ray County, Missouri. He was the son of John Renfro and Elizabeth Wild. Henry Renfro married, at age 24, Martha Isabel McCuistion, age 21 on Thursday, 29 December 1859 at Ray County, Missouri. Henry Renfro died on 1 March 1892 at Ray County, Missouri, at age 57 years and 25 days.1
From 'History of Ray County, Mo.,' (St. Louis, MO: Missouri Historical Company, 1891), pp. 747 - 748.
Henry Renfro is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born on the 5th day of February, 1835. His father, Mr. John Renfro, came from Kentucky in 1833, and settled on a farm about four miles north of Millville. When our subject was fifteen years old, his father sold this place, and removed upon the one he now owns, a mile or two east of the former place. Here Henry attended school in his youth, and worked on the farm until he was twenty-two years old, and then went to Chillicothe, Missouri, where he spent a year. Returning home, he took entire management of his father's place, and conducted the farm for two years. He then went to Colorado, and, after spending six months, mining for gold there, he returned home in the autumn of 1859. The following winter he was married, at the age of twenty-five years, to Miss Martha McCuistion. After his marriage he was engaged in farming until the beginning of the civil war. Leaving his young wife and infant daughter in the care of his father-in-law, Mr. Renfro joined his fortunes with the cause of the south, and enlisted for three years in the Confederate army, Company C, Colonel Reeves' 3d Missouri volunteers. Before the expiration of the time for which he had entered the army he enlisted for the whole war. His experiences were interesting and varied, but the scope of this work was not admit of following him through them all. At the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, he received a wound, which necessitated the amputation of his left leg below the knee. After the surrender he was paroled, June 26, 1865, and returned home to Ray county, arriving July 19, 1865. His wife had managed to save about five hundred dollars from the wreck of his property by the war, and on this amount he again began the life of a peaceful, law-abiding citizen. During the first three years after his return from the war he farmed, and then, going to Millville, entered the drug trade with Doctor W. M. Quarles. In 1873 he bought Doctor Quarles' interest in the business and has ever since conducted the business very successfully alone. Mr. and Mrs. Renfro are the parents of nine children, seven girls and two boys, all living at home with their parents. Mr. Renfro is a worthy member of the Christian Church, at Millville.
From 'Ray County, Missouri History,' (Richmond, MO: Ray County Historical Society, 1973), p. B-55.
The Renfro family finds it interesting to trace their lineage to Scotland in 1404, followed by several centuries in France. The first Renfro brothers came to Virginia about 1830. Their descendants lived in Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky.
John Renfro born in Kentucky to William and Nancy Vanbebber Renfro, came to Ray Co. about 1834 and settled 4 miles north of Millville, m. Elizabeth Wild d. 1895.
John's son, Henry m. Martha McCuistion b. in Ray Co. Henry enlisted for 3 years in the Confederate Army, receiving a wound at Vicksburg that necessitated the amputation of one leg. After the war, he farmed for several years, then entered the drug trade in Millville d. 1892. Both are buried in family cemetery on what is now the Charles Penny farm.
Children born to Henry and Martha were: Jennie Yingling, Augusta Carter, Nellie Linney, Irene (Dixie) Wall, Rebecca Forbes, Ann Etherton, Jess Linney, Charles Lee and John Henry. All married Ray Countians but only the following 3 lived in Ray County throughout their lives.
Irene m. Opey J. Wall. Her 2 sons, Donovan O. and Opey J. are deceased. The latter was killed in an automobile accident. Don m. Anna Wollard, Son, James D. m. Rosemary Kavanuagh. Children, Steve and Julie.
Charles Lee (1866 - 1965) was a teacher, county assessor for 2 terms (1892 - 96) then bought a farm 2 miles east of Millville where he lived until home burned in 1953. He m. Mary Grace Hager. Daughter, Louise m. Joseph M. Pinkerton of Ray Co. They lived in Oklahoma City. Son, Henry m. Sue Hoyle and they live in Overland Park, Kansas. Henry's son, Dennis, was injured fatally in an accident in Vietnam while in the Armed Forces. Katie and Ralph are Henry's children of a former marriage.
John Henry b. Jan. 8, 1879 d. Nov. 27, 1966, m. Oct. 1, 1902 Mary Elizabeth Mansur b. June 29, 1881, d. Jan. 13, 1954. They are buried in New Hope Cemetery. He carried the mail and operated a general store in Millville for a number of years. While carrying the mail he, horses and mail buggy were swept downstream when he attempted to ford a swollen stream. Another dramatic incident happened on a Saturday night on his way home from the store. He was robbed, slugged and kidnapped by two men (he and another hostage) taken to Kansas City where they were released -- safe but Mr. Renfro with a blackened eye and head wound that required 11 stitches. Children: Charles Mansur, Robert Alvah, Martha Elizabeth and Mary Virginia.
On December 25, 1927 Charles M. b. October 23, 1903 m. Helen Ruby Dreves b. Sept. 12, 1905. He is a retired farmer and formerly operated the Millville General Store in partnership with his father. Children: Charles Larry and Roy Bruce.
Larry b. Feb. 4, 1937, m. Anita Ruth Blair b. July 7, 1937 m. June 7, 1956. He is a building contractor and they live near Richmond, Mo. Parents of 3 children: David Scott b. Oct. 12, 1961; Susan Blair b. Sept. 2, 1964 and Kyle Braydon b. Feb. 19, 1972.
Bruce b. June 8, 1943 m. Judith Faye Oliphant b. Feb. 9, 1943 m. Nov. 22, 1963. Parents of 3 children: Gretchen Wendelin b. Oct. 12, 1965; Jonathan Leslie b. April 4, 1967 and Sarah Elizabeth b. Nov. 30, 1969. They live on Renfro homestead in Millville where he is engaged in farming and carpenters with his brother, Larry.
On Nov. 20, 1937 Alvah b. Jan. 21, 1909 m. Frances Faye Dreves b. Oct. 15, 1915. Alvah is presently County Clerk of Ray Co., and served as County Treasurer 2 terms. He served as foreman on WPA projects in Ray County before entering the service. In World War II he served in the South Pacific with the U.S. Navy. Later he purchased a produce house in Richmond and successfully operated that for a number of years. Children: Jenice Faye and Linda Beth.
Jenice b. May 11, 1939 on Jan. 7, 1967 m. Richard Lee Ambelang b. Dec. 11, 1936 of Chariton, Iowa. They presently reside in Rantoul, Ill., where Major Ambelang is a lawyer in the Air Force. Previously they served tours of duty in Seattle, Washington; Bangkok, Thailand; and the Philippines. Parents of one son, Roderick Lee b. Dec. 14, 1972.
Linda Beth b. June 8, 1947 is employed by the Ray County Herald at Richmond.
Martha b. July 10, 1911 m. Robert Basham Dec. 11, 1927. Children: Barbara, Harold, Robert and Gail. Robert was killed in a truck accident Nov. 26, 1967 at 34 years of age. Martha, Bob, and children live in the K.C. area.
Mary Virginia b. April 4, 1923 d. Aug. 11, 1934 of appendicitis. Buried at New Hope Cem.
From 'History of Ray County, Mo.,' (St. Louis, MO: Missouri Historical Company, 1891), pp. 747 - 748.
Henry Renfro is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born on the 5th day of February, 1835. His father, Mr. John Renfro, came from Kentucky in 1833, and settled on a farm about four miles north of Millville. When our subject was fifteen years old, his father sold this place, and removed upon the one he now owns, a mile or two east of the former place. Here Henry attended school in his youth, and worked on the farm until he was twenty-two years old, and then went to Chillicothe, Missouri, where he spent a year. Returning home, he took entire management of his father's place, and conducted the farm for two years. He then went to Colorado, and, after spending six months, mining for gold there, he returned home in the autumn of 1859. The following winter he was married, at the age of twenty-five years, to Miss Martha McCuistion. After his marriage he was engaged in farming until the beginning of the civil war. Leaving his young wife and infant daughter in the care of his father-in-law, Mr. Renfro joined his fortunes with the cause of the south, and enlisted for three years in the Confederate army, Company C, Colonel Reeves' 3d Missouri volunteers. Before the expiration of the time for which he had entered the army he enlisted for the whole war. His experiences were interesting and varied, but the scope of this work was not admit of following him through them all. At the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, he received a wound, which necessitated the amputation of his left leg below the knee. After the surrender he was paroled, June 26, 1865, and returned home to Ray county, arriving July 19, 1865. His wife had managed to save about five hundred dollars from the wreck of his property by the war, and on this amount he again began the life of a peaceful, law-abiding citizen. During the first three years after his return from the war he farmed, and then, going to Millville, entered the drug trade with Doctor W. M. Quarles. In 1873 he bought Doctor Quarles' interest in the business and has ever since conducted the business very successfully alone. Mr. and Mrs. Renfro are the parents of nine children, seven girls and two boys, all living at home with their parents. Mr. Renfro is a worthy member of the Christian Church, at Millville.
From 'Ray County, Missouri History,' (Richmond, MO: Ray County Historical Society, 1973), p. B-55.
The Renfro family finds it interesting to trace their lineage to Scotland in 1404, followed by several centuries in France. The first Renfro brothers came to Virginia about 1830. Their descendants lived in Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky.
John Renfro born in Kentucky to William and Nancy Vanbebber Renfro, came to Ray Co. about 1834 and settled 4 miles north of Millville, m. Elizabeth Wild d. 1895.
John's son, Henry m. Martha McCuistion b. in Ray Co. Henry enlisted for 3 years in the Confederate Army, receiving a wound at Vicksburg that necessitated the amputation of one leg. After the war, he farmed for several years, then entered the drug trade in Millville d. 1892. Both are buried in family cemetery on what is now the Charles Penny farm.
Children born to Henry and Martha were: Jennie Yingling, Augusta Carter, Nellie Linney, Irene (Dixie) Wall, Rebecca Forbes, Ann Etherton, Jess Linney, Charles Lee and John Henry. All married Ray Countians but only the following 3 lived in Ray County throughout their lives.
Irene m. Opey J. Wall. Her 2 sons, Donovan O. and Opey J. are deceased. The latter was killed in an automobile accident. Don m. Anna Wollard, Son, James D. m. Rosemary Kavanuagh. Children, Steve and Julie.
Charles Lee (1866 - 1965) was a teacher, county assessor for 2 terms (1892 - 96) then bought a farm 2 miles east of Millville where he lived until home burned in 1953. He m. Mary Grace Hager. Daughter, Louise m. Joseph M. Pinkerton of Ray Co. They lived in Oklahoma City. Son, Henry m. Sue Hoyle and they live in Overland Park, Kansas. Henry's son, Dennis, was injured fatally in an accident in Vietnam while in the Armed Forces. Katie and Ralph are Henry's children of a former marriage.
John Henry b. Jan. 8, 1879 d. Nov. 27, 1966, m. Oct. 1, 1902 Mary Elizabeth Mansur b. June 29, 1881, d. Jan. 13, 1954. They are buried in New Hope Cemetery. He carried the mail and operated a general store in Millville for a number of years. While carrying the mail he, horses and mail buggy were swept downstream when he attempted to ford a swollen stream. Another dramatic incident happened on a Saturday night on his way home from the store. He was robbed, slugged and kidnapped by two men (he and another hostage) taken to Kansas City where they were released -- safe but Mr. Renfro with a blackened eye and head wound that required 11 stitches. Children: Charles Mansur, Robert Alvah, Martha Elizabeth and Mary Virginia.
On December 25, 1927 Charles M. b. October 23, 1903 m. Helen Ruby Dreves b. Sept. 12, 1905. He is a retired farmer and formerly operated the Millville General Store in partnership with his father. Children: Charles Larry and Roy Bruce.
Larry b. Feb. 4, 1937, m. Anita Ruth Blair b. July 7, 1937 m. June 7, 1956. He is a building contractor and they live near Richmond, Mo. Parents of 3 children: David Scott b. Oct. 12, 1961; Susan Blair b. Sept. 2, 1964 and Kyle Braydon b. Feb. 19, 1972.
Bruce b. June 8, 1943 m. Judith Faye Oliphant b. Feb. 9, 1943 m. Nov. 22, 1963. Parents of 3 children: Gretchen Wendelin b. Oct. 12, 1965; Jonathan Leslie b. April 4, 1967 and Sarah Elizabeth b. Nov. 30, 1969. They live on Renfro homestead in Millville where he is engaged in farming and carpenters with his brother, Larry.
On Nov. 20, 1937 Alvah b. Jan. 21, 1909 m. Frances Faye Dreves b. Oct. 15, 1915. Alvah is presently County Clerk of Ray Co., and served as County Treasurer 2 terms. He served as foreman on WPA projects in Ray County before entering the service. In World War II he served in the South Pacific with the U.S. Navy. Later he purchased a produce house in Richmond and successfully operated that for a number of years. Children: Jenice Faye and Linda Beth.
Jenice b. May 11, 1939 on Jan. 7, 1967 m. Richard Lee Ambelang b. Dec. 11, 1936 of Chariton, Iowa. They presently reside in Rantoul, Ill., where Major Ambelang is a lawyer in the Air Force. Previously they served tours of duty in Seattle, Washington; Bangkok, Thailand; and the Philippines. Parents of one son, Roderick Lee b. Dec. 14, 1972.
Linda Beth b. June 8, 1947 is employed by the Ray County Herald at Richmond.
Martha b. July 10, 1911 m. Robert Basham Dec. 11, 1927. Children: Barbara, Harold, Robert and Gail. Robert was killed in a truck accident Nov. 26, 1967 at 34 years of age. Martha, Bob, and children live in the K.C. area.
Mary Virginia b. April 4, 1923 d. Aug. 11, 1934 of appendicitis. Buried at New Hope Cem.
Children of Henry Renfro and Martha Isabel McCuistion
- Augusta Ollie Renfro (19 Jul 1862 - )
- Charles Lee Renfro (23 Jun 1866 - 1965)
- Rebecca E. Renfro (11 Feb 1868 - )
- Jessie Arminta Renfro (2 Mar 1870 - )
- Annie Mary Renfro (18 Apr 1872 - )
- Nellie Ward Renfro (2 Jun 1874 - )
- Octavia Irene Renfro (31 Oct 1876 - 7 Sep 1923)
- John Henry Renfro+ (8 Jan 1879 - 27 Nov 1966)
Last Edited=13 Oct 2008
- [S117] Ray County Historical Society, Ray County, Missouri History (Richmond, Missouri: n.pub., 1973), B-55.